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Sarah Hickey
School Nurse
Ryan Hippert
Physical Education / Health Instructor
John Howley
Joanna Ialuna
English Instructor
Kristian Johannesen
Guidance Counselor
Stephanie Johnson
Health Careers Instructor
Maureen Johnson
Dental Assisting Instructor
Luci-Anne Jones
Mathematics Instructor
Gregory Kanelos
Business Instructor
Brian Keaney
English Instructor
Carol Kelley
Special Education Consultant
Michele Kelly
Science Instructor
Derek Knudsen
HVAC & R Instructor
Tara Lane
Practical Nursing Instructor
David Lang
Social Studies Instructor
William LaPlant
Special Education Consultant
Steven LaPlante
English Instructor
Lisa LaPlante
English Instructor
Elizabeth Luchini
Mary-Ellen MacLeod
Cooperative Education Coordinator