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Serena Benages
Special Education Teacher and Liaison
Benjamin Alden
Social Studies Instructor
Robert Allard
Automotive Technology Instructor
Scott Allen
Physical Education / Health Instructor
Robert Bachand
Plumbing Instructor
Francisco Balcarcel
Computer Information Systems Instructor
Andrew Barron
Stephanie Barstow
Director of Food Services
Jeremy Barstow
Carpentry Instructor
Adam Batchelder
Culinary Arts Instructor
Angela Batt
Engineering Tech Instructor
John Becker
Melissa Beckmann
Academic Coordinator
Brianna Boothe
Graphic Communications Instructor
Julie Bouzan
Data Coordinator
Brian Boyd
Carpentry Instructor
Robert Bruno
Special Education Consultant
Steven Cadoret
Mathematics Instructor
Christopher Cadorette
Technology Director
Stephanie Caffrey
Physical Education / Health Instructor