As required under Chapter 71b of the Massachusetts General Laws and Public Law 94-142, special services are available to students who meet eligibility requirements. A school official, teacher, parent or guardian, court officer, social worker, or family doctor may refer a student to the Wellness Committee. Students may also refer themselves for this support.

A student and/or parent should contact the Special Education Department to obtain further information or make a referral for evaluation. At the completion of the evaluation, the Special Education Team will meet to determine eligibility for special education services. This team may include an administrator, special education person, chairperson, guidance counselor, nurse, psychologist, teacher, parent and student.

In order for all students to achieve our expectations for student learning Tri-County prides itself on providing clear, concise and coordinated opportunities for success. To these ends Tri-County academic course options include full inclusion, co-taught as well as consult model classrooms.

For more information on our programs please make an appointment to speak with the Director of Special Education or plan to attend a SEPAC meeting or one of the various information sessions (calendar to be posted) that are planned and hosted throughout the school year by our Guidance Department.

Special Education & Other Student Services Contacts

John Becker


Serena Benages

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Robert Bruno

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Julie Caffrey

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Donna Crawford

School Psychologist

Laura Griffin

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Carol Kelley

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Liz Luchini


Michael Martone

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Donna McDonald

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Jennifer Mogensen

Speech and Language Pathologist

Laura Meyers


Suzanne O’Shea

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Daniel Parker

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Leslie Preston


Anthony Puleo

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Collin Spillane


Sarah Vega

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Mary Ellen Wogan

Special Education Teacher and Liaison

Kevin Pierce

Special Education Department Coordinator

William LaPlant 

IEP Team Chairperson

Patricia Flaherty



Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPACs)

If you are interested in being involved in the Tri-County RVTHS SEPAC, please email Bill LaPlant, the Special Education Evaluation Team Facilitator at:

Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPACs) were established by state law in 1972. Language from Section 3 of Chapter 71B of the Massachusetts General Laws reads in part:

“…. The school committee of any city, town, or school district shall establish a parent advisory council on special education. Membership shall be offered to all parents of children with disabilities and other interested parties. The parent advisory council duties shall include but not be limited to: advising the school committee on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities; meeting regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of the school committee’s special education programs. The parent advisory council shall establish by-laws regarding officers and operational procedures. In the course of its duties under this section, the parent advisory council shall receive assistance from the school committee without charge, upon reasonable notice, and subject to the availability of staff and resources. …”

Key components of operating an effective SEPAC include (but are not limited to):

-Identifying Parties with Common Interests
-Interacting with the Special Education Administrator
-Interacting with the Superintendent and the School Committee
-Interacting with school councils, PTOs and the community at large