Middle School Open House - Saturday November 2, 2024

Our Annual Open House will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The Tri-County Open House is an excellent time for middle school students to get hands-on experience in our career programs. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions of current students and work on an interactive project.
Middle School students and their families are invited to tour both academic and vocational classrooms while visiting the campus. Learn about our award-winning academics, sports, extra-curriculars, and what makes Tri-County unique.
We’ll be serving some delicious refreshments, and you’ll have a chance to win cool prizes! Registration Required.
Open House Schedule
Saturday, November 2, 2024
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
10:00 am
Interact with the program of your choice
11:30 am
Interact with the second program of your choice
12:45 pm
Tour the school, visit the programs of your choice, stop by the admissions center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Middle School Students
This open house is intended for middle school looking to learn more about Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School.
The day is filled with interactive activities to help you experience our Career Programs, learn more about our award-winning academics, speak with athletic coaches, learn more about the various clubs and activities offered, talk with TC students and parents, and enjoy delicious food prepared by our culinary students.
Career Programs
Tri-County RVTHS offers 16 Career Programs. During the Open House you will interact with at least two of these career programs with the option to visit additional progams.
The priority deadline for applications ends in early January. There will be an Admissions Center where you can apply while on campus and ask any questions of our guidance counselors about the admissions process.